Sunday 5 June 2011

Fête de Mai

Je ne suis pas disparue, mais nous avons traversé quelques semaines difficiles. E a fait une crise de Faux croup que nous sommes toujours en train de combattre dans la famille. Il est difficile de faire les choses hors norme dans nos sociétés moderne, et traiter les enfants de façon naturelle en fait partie. Parfois, c'est facile de marcher à contre courant, et faire confiance à la nature, mais d'autres situations, ou maladie demande plus de foi que d'autre, ce fut définitivement le cas ici. Plusieurs fois, j'ai bloqué le reflexe de me rendre à l'hôpital, et je me suis rappelée de croire en mon fils, a la force de guérison à l'intérieur de lui, et que je suis capable de l'aider sans avoir recours à la médecine allopathique (pour ce genre de maladie là.) Nous y sommes presque. Il est sur le chemin de la guérison!

I have not disapeared, but we have had some challenging weeks. E has been down with a case of false croup. It was a scary experience for us, and it was definetly challenging to help him go through this without the help of allopathic medecine (and dare I say despite). We had to remind ourselves many time that allopathic medecine is not the only way, and that our bodies have the abilities to heal themselves(in those types of diseases) if given the rest, food and care necessary. We are well on the road to recovery, and I am so glad to have believed in him and in our abilities to help him out differently.

Alors après 3 semaines de disparitions me revoilà avec les images de la fête de Mai organisée par l'école locale Waldorf. Belle façon de célébrer mon retour ;)

So after 3 weeks of being away from the blogosphere, I am back to show you the pictures of the May fair that we attended about 3 weeks ago.

Nous avons été accueillis par cette dame qui offrait aux enfants des cadeaux: un emballage de coquillage et pierres de toutes sortes

We were welcomed by this lady who was offering presents to the kids present: seashells and various stones.

Il y avait plusieurs stations d'activitées:
Many activities were set up for the kids to participate to:

Après avoir fait des courrones, des épées, des bracelets de cuir, nous avons emprunté ce chemin qui nous a mené à un gazébo juste au moment ou la pluie s'est mise à tombée. Et comme par magie, nous sommes arrivés en plein milieu d'un jam de tambour

After making flower crowns, wooden swords, leather band ... wer decided to take this path that brought us to a gazebo just in time before the rain started to pour. And we arrived in the middle of a public tam tam jam!

Alors nous avons tous pris un Tam tam, et nous nous sommes join au concert Quel plaisir!

So we all took a tamtam, E included, and joined in with the rhythm. What fun!

Goddies on the way out:

Superbe journée, même si Dame Nature n'a pas coopéré tout le long. Nous continuons de parler du jam de tamtam, et je crois bien que lorsque tout le monde sera remis sur pied, ça restera une activité familiale. Ne manque que quelques tam tam!

Magnificent day, even if the weather didn't cooperate as much as we hoped. The tamtam jam is something we keep thinking and talking about, I can see how this will evoluate as a family activity soon (once everybody is back on track!)


  1. What a magnificent fair. I was worried that you may have been too busy to blog. Sending you and your family the best, healthiest wishes. - Kylie

    (I am having difficultly leaving comment, apologise if this come up twice)

  2. Thanks Kylie!
    It was indeed really fun. It really re-connected us to nature, and some Waldorf stuff lol

    I have to go visit your blog see how you are doing :)

  3. I would love to see how you combine your Waldorf and Montessori interests. Will you use both approaches to homeschooling? There are a lot of aspects to Waldorf that I love but find a lot of it conflicts with my Montessori mind.

  4. It has been a hard job "combining" the 2. But we have finally reach our equilibrum, and we are happy with it. I'll write a post about it, because there is so much to say, that it would be a crappy reply to try to explain that in a few sentences. So stay tuned :)
