About us

I refer to myself as Neptune

I am a mother of 3 sweet and heart warming kids: X, M and E ( 6, 4 and 18 months)

We are a bilingual but primarily french speaking family living in a country that is much too cold for my own taste.

We are not a homeschooling family, and I don't know if we'll ever manage to be.  But we are very much interested in the education of our children, and want to be implicated with them every step of the way.

We have chosen the Montessori philosophy to accompany our children in the very large tasks of becoming themselves, but we are not applying the Montessori method in our every days life, nor did we go through any Montessori training.  This path seems to have been dictated by my children themselves, I have only been following them the best I can.

My older children currently attends Montessori facilities, and seems happy about it.  My youngest stays home with me.

This blog was created to keep track of our path as afterschoolers, to fullfill my love of photography, and also to prove to ourselves that even here, in a country where Montessori is not widely know enough, and not used enough, and despite the lack of ressources, it still can work.

I'd be delighted to hear from you.  Thank you for being here!

Bienvenue sur Montessori ici.

Je suis Neptune, maman de 3 enfants de 6 ans, 4 ans, et 18 mois.

J'ai eu l'idée de démarrer ce blog pour partager notre vie et nos expériences avec la pédagogie Montessori. Montessori, pour nous, c'est plus qu'une pédagogie, c'est aussi une façon de vivre: être conscienceux à l'égard de nos enfants, leurs besoins, leur désires.

Malgré le fait que nous vivont dans un pays industrialisé, éduqué, et évolué, Montessori, n'est pas une pédagogie très connu ici. Et je dois avouer que ça rend parfois son application difficile. Les ressources sont rare, dans une autre langue, ou très loin. Mais a force de chercher, on fini par trouver des gens aussi passionnés près de nous, et assez de créativité pour adapter notre vie aux principes Montessori.

Quoiqu'il n'est pas toujours facile d'être Montessori dans notre coin de pays, ce blog se veux justement ça, la preuve que oui, c'est possible Montessori ici.

J'aimerai vous entendre!  N'hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire en tout temps.


  1. Bonjour! :)

    Nous vivons à Montréal et nous pratiquons la pédagogie/l'enseignement Montessori, à la maison et à l'école. Nous venons d'arriver au Québec et mon conjoint enseigne dans une école Montessori locale.
    Au plaisir de se rencontrer, si le coeur vous en dit : marijulien@free.fr


  2. Hi Neptune,

    My name is Marília and I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I wanna thank you for your blog, it helps me a lot when I was pregnant and totally lost imagining how I should preparer my home for my baby. I just loved the montessori method.

    Sorry, my english is terrible, but I wanna share with you a video that I made with two Montessori Mobiles that we made in home. We put mobiles in Theo's bedroom, in the room e another one above the couch (now we lost the third one, because Theo it's moving a lot).

    You can see in my blog (in portuguese), but the images don't need translation...


    Kisses for you and your beautiful family
