On sent l'été qui approche. Les jours rallonge, la température grimpe et la pluie se fait enfin plus rare. Après avoir passée l'avant midi dans le jardin a travailler avec E qui s'en donnait à coeur joie dans la terre..., j'avais juste le goût de jouer dans l'eau moi aussi. Et de toute façon, E était bien sale...
J'ai acheté ce bac au magasin de rénovation du coin. J'aimais le fait qu'il est large, mais bas, et que le couvercle ferme hermétiquement. J'avais l'idée d'en faire un bas a sable intérieur. Mais je peux maintenant voir qu'il servira à explorer d'autre texture que seulement le sable.
Quel plaisir il a eu! Il a pu éclabousser à son goût, se mettre les pieds, les mains dedans aussi longtemps qu'il le désirait. Je ne crois pas que j'aurai pu lui fait un meilleur bac sensoriel
Water is a staple here. Kids love it. They love drinking it, playing with it, cleaning in it, they just never get tired of water.
We can feel that summer is just at our doors, with hotter weather and sunny days (ah! Finally!). After working in the garden all morning, (and E following me close, except when there was a chance to get dirty...), I just felt like we needed water. Not just in a glass...plus, E was indeed dirty. Just another good reason to play with water right?
I took a tub I bought at my local renovation store. I thought the size was fun for a toddler: large, and shallow. When I bought it I had the idea of putting sand since the lid shuts tight. But I can see that this will be used not only for sand, but many other textures to explore.
He had so much fun. He splattered as much as he wanted, played with his hands, feet, mouth...I don't think I could have created a more fun tub then this. Simple is always best around here...

I'll leave the rest to your imagination...
Je vous laisse imaginer la suite...
I love little pieces of inspiration like this. It's amazing how much children love water at this age, they are still exploring and haven't fully worked it out yet!
ReplyDeleteI went out to the thrift store a week after I saw this post. Great idea, yet again! I set it up as a dry exploration tub at first since we lack an ample outdoor play space. Today however I ventured out on to the patio despite the obvious issues of it not being an entirely child-friendly space. It's safe and we stayed out there with her the whole time but it's cramped and crowded with our gardening things. She did end up getting side track wanting to throw decorative rocks through the wooden rail bars and off of the patio, things like that, so I had to cut that experience shorter than she wanted. Viewing your blogs seem so ideal and hassle free. It's a pleasant escape for me but I know that it's likely work for you too. My cousin suggested putting this activity inside the bathtub. I haven't tried it because it's exhausting for me to keep up with Eva and her dare-devil stunts in the bathtub. Especially an empty tub, I'd want to hover over her the whole time to protect her from a nasty spill. Am I missing out on a worthwhile idea?