Advent is a celebration that has always been present for me, even when I was a child, my mom always light the ceremonious candles to remind us of this time of year. But it was the first time that I really took the time, with *my* family, to prepare and celebrate it.
Since I didn't have a advent wreath, and was a tad late to be able to go and get one, we decided that, for this year, we would make one. We used the material we had on hands, and after a very fun session of crafting with the kids, our advent wreath was done

We had some leftover plywood from the house we build for the kids. DH cutted a circle out of it, which was covered by aluminium paper ( by Pea who had so much fun covering the base!) and then we glued a variety of nuts on the base, and made 4 spots for the candles. Yes, I know, they are not the right color...It should be 3 purple and 1 pink, but I only had those in hand, and needed them to be able to glue the nuts around to make them hold. They need to be replaced as soon as I find the right colored candles.
We lighted the first candle on sunday night, just before dinner. The kids loved it. So far, they are really appreciating these advent celebrations.
Today, since the weather was a little yucky this morning, we had the time to finish the advent calendar. It should start on the first day of advent but time just lacked. So it is starting Dec. 1st for this year.
It was a long process, it took us sevral days's work to create all the part

but these moments were perfect to have the time to create together, and have fun around he preparation of advent.

"Happiness is not found in the result but rather in the process", and that definetly holds true here.
We made the final touch to it this morning, and all 3 of us, just sat there, once everything was in place, amazed at the result, and happy of this time we were lucky enough to spend together, doing something to enhance our lives

Sure it could have been bought, but, this one is far from the commercial one where you can find chocolate behind every doors. In every boxes lies the possibility of an exciting day, or moment. Something that will probably be special to both Pea and Peanut. In each boxes is an invitation to do a special activity to prepare Christmas, and make it really ours. And activity that will give us the chance to create again together, and enjoy a special time every day. It is also a perfect opportunity to try new things as a family and discover new rituals that will be done, eaten, made over and over the years as the go. What better way to start new tradition then testing them, and embracing the ones that are really special to us.
THis is almost as good as chocolate ;)

Have a great advent celebration!
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