I wasn't sure how this would happen. After trying once last summer, he knew that he wasn't ready. And when we asked him if he wanted to try again without the small wheels this year, he was rather hesitant. But he came back home from running errands with his daddy with a brand new bike, with no extra wheels, and all ready to try it up.
Truthfully, I was already getting out the first aid kit, when DH came back home telling me that he had done it...while still being in one piece. He was as amazed as I was to see that he made the jump so fast, and that he just got it.
Ever since, DS asks daily to go out biking. And I see him getting better and better. After learning how to break (whihc was a must considering at first he would just throw himself off the bike!) and getting better at really mastering his own bike, he even got the chance to go on a ride with his dad around the block. You should have seen then smile on his face when he got back home. A smile of contentment, of proudness.
Sring has sprung here and I can see it's color everywhere...
From the growing green grass to the burgeoning flowers
and even in DD's hair.
Summer is slowly making it's way, and so baby that is making its presence being felt! Nesting effect is full force now...Only a week to go before the craziness tames down, and I finally find the time to get ready for him. Patience is a virtue that I get to practice daily...
Until then. :)
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