
Wednesday 7 March 2012

Practical life with a toddler - Spooning

In our home, practical life activities are ones that happens spontaneously, at any moment, usually following an activity that my little ones were incorporated in, or saw me doing.

Most of E's practical life activities happens just like that.  Out of the blue, he demonstrates an interest in something we are doing or something he sees. The activity is then built for him.  Nothing is preprepared, we just make it simple

 This spooning activity was a very spontaneous one that occurred just after I had been doing dishes.  The ladle was drying on the rack and so the bowls.  He climb up his stool, got the bowls, and asked me for water.  I had no idea what he wanted water for.

This went on for a long while, asking me once in a while for more water as he was emptying his bowl.

I love practical life activities.   They don't have to be complicated, nor planned. Just following the current interest of the child is enough.  And at this age, I feel they are the activities that engages the child best.  Everything is there for success:  movement, real work, with a purpose, imitation.  Perfect!

Les activités de vie pratique ne sont pas organisés ici.  Ils surviennent quand l'enfant ressent un désir de pratiquer quelque chose.

La majorité des activités de vie pratique de E ne sont pas déjà prêtes ou même planifiées. J'organise le materiel nécessaire quand je vois qu'un intérêt vient de surgir.

Cette activité de transfert, c'est E qui se l'est organisé lui-même.  Je venais tout juste de terminer la vaisselle.  Il y avait sur le rack de séchage des bols, et la louche.  Il a mis les bols dans l'évier, et m'a demandé de l'eau.  Sur le fait, je ne savais pas trop pourquoi.

L'activité s'est déroulée pendant un long lapse de temps.  

J'adore la simplicité de ces activités, qui pourtant engage le mieux mes enfants,  et pour une période de temps beaucoup plus longue que n'importe quelle autre activité.


  1. Great points made here. I love the way you so patiently gave him more and more water. I must admit cutting short the water play sometimes myself...

  2. Yes! A great reminder that the best activities require no planning, no packing of bags or lists. My kids, too, love practical life activities. Nothing is quite as fun as measuring and pouring lentils while waiting for the soup to cook. :)

  3. Rach; I have been guilty of that too. But I have come to realize that I can make this work, and that his developping is more important then a wet towel. But that was a HARD realization for me...HARD :)

    Ccédille: Love the idea of a pouring activity on a whim while making soup! Great great idea!
