
Tuesday 28 February 2012

Closer look at the hand washing station

Thanks for your comments on the handwashing post.  I am happy that it has inspired many of you to give it a go!

As promised I wanted to show you the hand washing station that E is using.  Hopefully, that information can be helpful to people that are almost ready to give it a try.

I have used a part of our play kitchen to safely hold the wash basin.  It works, E loves it, and associate handwashing with a sink.

He was showed how to pour water in the basin (with assistance), to use soap to wash his hands, and then rinse in the basin.  His favorite part?  Putting the dirty water in the bucket.  Yes, he loves to pour!
The hand brush comes from Michael Olaf, and is perfect for hand scrubbing if needs be.

Stored under are material for dishwashing that we will be starting soon.  E is allowed to explore the material right now, so he'll already be familiar when we start.

How did you set up hand washing in your home with a toddler/preschooler?

Tel que promis, je vous montre un peu plus en détail le coin de nettoyage que j'ai aménagé pour E.

Sur le dessus du meuble, j'y ai mis tout ce qui est nécessaire pour que E puisse se laver les mains de façon indépendante:  un plat pour se laver, un savon, une brosse à main, un pichet qu'il utilise avec un peu d'aide, et une serviette pour s'essuyer les mains.

À l'intérieur du meuble, se trouve le matériel nécessaire pour des activités de nettoyage.  Un bassin d'eau en plastique, diverses brosses (dont une à légumes) et un sceau pour disposer de l'eau sale.

E adore ce coin, qui lui permet beaucoup plus d'aisance dans ses mouvements que lorsqu'il est sur un banc.

Et vous?  Comment avez vous aménagez votre environnement pour faciliter ces tâches de nettoyage?


  1. It is so beautiful. I have very similar set-up in the bathroom, and a separate play kitchen in the kitchen.
    I have nominated you for a Liebster award.

  2. I posted already, but I think the post went astray! beautiful set-up. We have something similar in the bathroom, with a separate play kitchen in the kitchen.
    I have nominated your blog for a Liebester award, which is a way of sharing blogs you love which have less than 200 followers.

  3. Wow geez Rach, thank you SO much! I really appreciate this nice thought!!

    I wish the bathroom in the upper floor would be big enough to accommodate this. I'd love to set another spot like this in the bathroom. But alas, there is not enough place for it. I am grateful that my kitchen allows it at least!

  4. You can get hand wash basin in many different shapes, sizes and colors although they used to always be white. They are normally made of vitreous china. All the leading bathroom fitting manufacturers will have one. If the room in your bathroom is limited it is often popular to use a corner sink which can fit nicely in between the other units
