Saturday, 1 October 2011

Life is just about to change...again...

what have I been up to??
toddler proofing.

Why, you ask??

Need I say more?

Once more, we get to enjoy the thrill of witnessing the evolution of a human being from crawling to standing and walking.  I never cease to be amazed at the strength and accomplishment of my now toddler, yes, even the 3rd time around.

Be back soon for the read along, and other improvements we had to make here 


  1. Yes indeed! He managed to walk the whole house "sweeping" the flood as he went. Need I say how tired he was after this? :)
    thanks for your comment!

  2. Your pictures make my heart sing!

  3. Oh thanks Kylie

    This also made mine sing. It was just fantastic to see him go around broom in hand, and barely able to walk. The work they do!
