"Stop buying unnecessary things. Toss half your stuff, learn contentedness. Reduce half again. List 4 essential things in your life, stop doing non-essential things. Do these essentials first each day, clear distractions focus on each moment. Let go of attachment to doing, having more. Fall in love with less."
Clutter really is a silent killer. It creeps up on you unoticed. and you finally notice it when...you MOVE! (and pack boxes)
I see this move as a very beneficial and cleansing process. We are sorting out so much stuff, I feel like I am nesting again! I cannot wait to be done, and live simpli-er then we used to.
Off to packing more boxes, that will, at any rate, be un-packed by the end of the day! Moving with young kids is oh so much more exciting!
I love doing a purge of our house....a very cleansing experience. freecycle has been our garbage can!!!