We had to take care of the plants this weekend,and the kids happily followed us in the garden to help us out. But their attention was caught not long after we started by this little fellow:
and so our precious help kinda became busy elsewhere...
And our gardening day soon became a day of exploration of nature, and zoology.
She was facinated with this little creature, and wanted to just follow it around all afternoon long. She touched it, looked under it, moved it around to the best location she could find for it, and even gave it water (!).
What better lesson of zoology/ care of the insect could I give then this?
What a sweet post ... I love your child-led gardening! I featured your post and photo in my Montessori-Inspired Gardening Unit at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2012/05/29/montessori-inspired-gardening-unit/