
Friday 19 August 2011

I'm back and it's here!

français au bas


1. Back!
We had a great time in those past weeks.
We took time as a family, we took time to ourselves, we took time to play and laugh, we took time to plan ahead, and we took time to discuss.
We had a great time!  And I feel a lot more energized for this upcoming year.

My posting schedule might be somewhat different then what I did this summer.
Indeed, we will be going through a challenging autumn, that is definetly not what I had planned .  I am starting back at work soon, X is officially starting off school in a Montessori school that is not next door, and both E and M won't be in the same facility, thus we'll have a LOT of commuting to do. We know it take us time to get used to this new schedule, and thus I will have to limit posting to 3 times a week:  Monday, Thursday, Friday, and occasionnaly during the weekend.

I have tons to tell and show  though, and so I cannot wait to get started tomorrow.

2. My copy of the child in the family is here!
So we'll be ready to start the read along.  What do you think about taking the weekend to read the first chapter titled: the blank page, and then discuss it on monday.  Let me know if that delay is not ok with you.  But I can tell you that the chapter is not long.
Then, we'll do these discussions every monday, leaving us a week to read a chapter.

De retour!  Enfin!

Nous avons eu du bon temps, du temps en famille, du temps pour nous, du temps pour jouer, pour discuter et reflechir, et également pour planifier.

Nous avons un automne plutôt chargé devant nous.  Mes plan ont été très modifiés, suite à l'annonce que X ne fera pas l'école maison, et qu'il ira plutôt, du moins pour cette année, dans une école Montessori qui n'est pas à coté de chez nous...  Du coup, nous auront 3 enfants dans des endroits différent, sans compter mon retour au travail, alors que de transport en persepctive!  Ce sera certainement un "challenge" que de trouver à meubler ces temps de transport de façon utile et constructif.

Je devrai modifier légèrement ma fréquence de billet.  Je visiterai 3 fois par semaine, et occasionnellement, une journée de weekend. 

J'ai plein de choses a vous montrer et j'ai bien hâte de commencer...demain!

Si vous êtes capable de lire l'anglais, je commence un "read along" sur un livre de M.Montessori: the child in the family.  Vous êtes les bienvenue.  La discussion commencera lundi sur le premier chapitre.
Je ne sais pas si ce livre a été traduit en français, mais si ça vous donne un incitatif pour le lire en même temps, c'est extra!


  1. I'm so pleased you had a wonderful vacation! I'm happy to join you on Monday - see you then :)

  2. @Cathy

    Thank you so much!
    I can't wait to get started!

  3. Good to see you back. This should work fine for me but if I am a day or so late I am just working out the time difference and/or have been busy with my children.

  4. Kylie, I have many people that are from differents parts of Ocenia, this is why I am not rushing this and leaving ample time to do this. Don't sweat!
